Remote Space Devlog 3

Battle with an item system, with a great comeback.
Remote Space Devlog 3

I can’t even pretend like I’m surprised that it has been almost a week since last devlog.

I mean, I hoped that it wouldn’t be that long, but it is what it is.

Maybe I’ll just accept that it’s more of a weekly thing?

What changed

 1* 67a268f Check if drone already has an upgrade in shop
 2* 091623a Small ui fix
 3* 32c4741 Remove demo assets
 4* eb50871 Buying things costs materials and some adjustements
 5* 6a95fd7 Cargo refactor part 3
 6* 4a3a560 Cargo refactor part 2
 7* 45bc47e Cargo refactor part 1
 8* ee9c745 Buying upgrades!!
 9* 210c9c5 Dear god, what was I thinking yesterday?
10* 8e5020c Refactoring :D
11* 505d560 CSV-in-a-string as database, fixes for viewports
12* 75acbc3 Add bin/ to gitignore
13* 6e56466 Is this broken?
14* 39131d0 Fix human camera control

You probably can’t see this from the cryptic commit messages, but I’ve been mostly focused on the item system. That is, having a way to easily store, edit and retrieve information about items in game (mostly materials, but also upgrades).

I don’t want to bore you with my attempts, but I’ll tell you where it ended up:

A folder with resources (one resource file per item type), that is managed by a addon (so I can edit them in a nice table view), then I export it using this addon to a .csv file (so it can be easily read and parsed), but then I manually copy that file to a script, because reading not built-in resource doesn’t work in exported projects and the script then parses that csv on load and stores the data in a dictionary.

This seems like a horribly bad idea in retrospective, but please rembember that each step was “just this last workaround to get this working”.

And it was working, so I was ready to just be done with it. It was also past my bedtime.

But, before bed, I was describing all this to my SO, because I needed to vent and then it hit me just how stupid it is.

So the next morning I literally rewrote it in a few minutes, using export array instead of all those shenanigans.

That’s the 210c9c5 commit ;]

Then I could finally move on to buying upgrades with the materials. They are actually “fabricated” from those materials, not “bought”, but w/e.

Here’s the UI for the “shop”:

UI showing a list of upgrades to fabricate

And here’s how the base currently looks inside:

Screenshot of the inside of the base with an office chair and a desk

It got some minor updates since last time, but you haven’t seen it before, so you wouldn’t even know. I’m planning on upgrading these graphics now. We’ll see how it goes…

Sorry for a mostly text-based and technical post, but it do be like that sometimes